Abuse Melding

Je hebt een klacht over de onderstaande posting:

13-06-2024, 08:29 door Xavier Ohole

Kijk, dit soort dingen gaan dus pijn doen: Age verification: You can no longer set up anonymous e-mail or messenger accounts or chat anonymously without needing to present an ID or your face, making you identifiable and risking data leaks. This inhibits for instance sensitive chats related to sexuality, anonymous media communications with sources (e.g. whistleblowers) as well as political activity. If you are under 17, you will no longer be able to install the following apps from the app store (reason given: risk of grooming): Messenger apps such as Whatsapp, Snapchat, Telegram or Twitter, social media apps such as Instagram, TikTok or Facebook, games such as FIFA, Minecraft, GTA, Call of Duty, Roblox, dating apps, video conferencing apps such as Zoom, Skype, Facetime. If you don’t use an appstore, compliance with the provider’s minimum age will still be verified and enforced. If you are under the minimum age of 16 years you can no longer use Whatsapp due to the proposed age verification requirements; ...

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