Abuse Melding

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01-07-2024, 13:34 door Anoniem

Jij zegt "overduidelijk phishing", maar op welke basis? Lijkt mij volledig valide: https://developer.mastercard.com/open-banking-europe/documentation/licensed/insights/production/cert/ As QWAC certificates are also valid as TLS certificates for websites, we require that you specify the Common Name (CN) as well as Subject Alternate Name (SAN) to be "yourname-com.aiiaclient.com" where yourname-com is based on your company domain, by replacing the dot with a dash. For example, if your domain is example.com, then you should use example-com.aiiaclient.com. Please let us know once you have ordered the certificate as the certificate issuer will require us to approve it (write to openbankingeu_support@mastercard.com). When chosing which email to validate the certificate on, please choose hostmaster@aiiaclient.com.

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