Abuse Melding

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Vandaag, 08:21 door Erik van Straten

En gaat over tot de orde van de dag - door zowel op het bureau (legacy junk) als in de cloud (lekker goedkoop, veel minder beheerders nodig) monocultuur (met name van Microsoft) te blijven omarmen. Er zijn in de VS meer wapens dan inwoners. Met oplopende spanningen, what could possibly go wrong? (Anders dan een weigerende AR15). Aanvulling, uit [1] (bron: [2]): Microsoft Pushed Back Against Regulators Before System Crash Jul 19, 2024, Freddy Brewster, Lucy Dean Stockton, Katya Schwenk, Helen Santoro [...] “Regulators should carefully avoid any intervention that might disturb the competitive offerings that have promoted the explosive innovation and growth attributable to the cloud,” the company wrote in response to the Federal Trade Commission’s 2023 review of [3] cloud computing companies’ security practices and interoperability protocols. Uit [3]: Solicitation for Public Comments on the Business Practices of Cloud Computing Providers Posted by the Federal Trade Commission on Mar 22, 2023 [1] ...

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