Abuse Melding

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Gisteren, 17:57 door Erik van Straten

De afdeling marketing van Microsoft liet in https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/security/blog/2024/10/08/file-hosting-services-misused-for-identity-phishing/ optkenen: To help protect enterprise accounts from compromise, by default both Microsoft 365 and Office 365 support multi-factor authentication (MFA) and passwordless sign-in. Waarna techneuten daaronder (in dezelfde pagina) schrijven dat MFA niet helpt: This link redirects the user to an adversary-in-the-middle (AiTM) phishing page, where the user is prompted to provide the password and complete multifactor authentication (MFA). The compromised token can then be leveraged by the threat actor to perform the second stage BEC attack and continue the campaign. Zelfs het Britse NCSC is, in hun bijgewerkte beschrijving, zeer onduidelijk over wat "phishing resistant MFA" precies inhoudt: https://security.nl/posting/861487.

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