Abuse Melding

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17-02-2005, 15:27 door Anoniem

Trouwens die pipos van Internet Storm Centre weten duidelijk niet waar ze het over hebben. Het parallel gebruik van MD5 en SHA-1 zou totaal geen extra veiligheid geboden als SHA-1 daadwerkelijk was gebroken (wat voorlopig het geval nog niet is). Concatenating MD5 and SHA1 doesn't give you as much extra security as you'd think, because of this beautiful result from Joux at last year's Crypto. Basically, if it takes you 2^{69} work to cause a collision in SHA1 in a general context (from most any starting hash value), the most it can take to find a collision for SHA1 || MD5 is about 2^{75}--you find 64 places in the message where you can insert a colliding value for SHA1, and then do a 2^{64} search to find a collision between those in MD5. (If this isn't clear, go read the Crypto 2004 paper--the result is not hard to understand at all!) --John Kelsey

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