Abuse Melding

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04-03-2005, 13:28 door Anoniem

virussen in linux kunnen alleen werken als de gebruiker zo stom is om in te werken als root????!!!!!! Beetje erg kort door de bocht. Lees het volgende aub: At Central Command we are concerned over all malicious and potentially malicious programs and they do not need root access to cause damage. All that is need is write permission within the current users access rights even if it is just to the users /home directory. If a malicious program can execute and delete or infect anything within the contents of the current users /home directory it is dangerous enough. Typically when root access is needed it is to access a core Linux operating system component or to install a patch or some software application that requires root access. One of the problems is that as Linux moves on the corporate and consumer desktops the level of sophistication by the average user will go down significantly and then we will have millions and millions of people who will install/uninstall Linux applications ...

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