Door Anoniem
Todays Propaganda Message from Al-Qaida:
Join AlKaida!!! Now!!!
Todays OnLineTraining Program from Alkaida:
Exercise 1
Today we train the right forefinger to increase
your firing rate capabilities in real time combat
When you have finished this exercise succesfully you
will be ready for
deployment as a ragbag Kalashnikov sharpshooting expert
in urban zionist occupied area's
Mouseclick your Windows START button -- do it again (100x)
Exercise 2
Now we are going to increase your sense of decisionmaking
of planning options, of organizing and directing,
and increase your visual and pointing capabilities.
This exercise is crucial. After this exercise you will be a
well trained
Kalashnikov sharpshooter and you will be able to endure
the hardships of modern urban combat against the zionist enemy
1.try to choose which editor to open on your desktop
2.try to choose which browser to open on your desktop
3 open the editor and browser of your choise
1. mark a character(smallest possible -courier,size7) in your
webrowser with your mouse.
2 drag and drop the character to the editor
Congratulations!!! You are ready for combat!!
You will be notified in due course about the combat zones
you will be sent to. Stay tuned, don't go away.
Thanks for joining us!!
Je lult alsof al die al qaida gasten dom zijn. Dit zijn ze
echter duidelijk niet. Zie bijvoorbeeld hoe ze die aanslagen
op de twin towers hebben geregeld. Dat is gewoon goed
geplant. Als ze zo dom zijn als jij beweert, en Bush een
stukje slimmer zou zijn dan alles oplossen met vechten, zou
de wereld er een stuk beter uitzien.