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01-06-2007, 11:45 door Anoniem

Volgens mij snapt SirDice niet helemaal het verschil tussen een flaw en een security vulnerability. = A security vulnerability is a flaw in a product that makes it infeasible – even when using the product properly—to prevent an attacker from usurping privileges on the user's system, regulating its operation, compromising data on it, or assuming ungranted trust. Flaw: Security vulnerabilities involve inadvertent weaknesses; by-design weaknesses may sometimes occur in a product, but these aren't security vulnerabilities. Prevention: Security vulnerabilities involve a loss of control. That is, in order for a flaw to constitute a security vulnerability, it must be possible for an attacker to compel the victim to submit to the attack despite reasonable efforts to avoid it. http://www.microsoft.com/technet/archive/community/columns/security/ essays/vulnrbl.mspx?mfr=true =

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