Abuse Melding

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29-12-2009, 23:48 door [Account Verwijderd]

De mannen van http://decafme.org hebben versie 2 uitgebracht van de "anti COFEE tool" DECAF. Volgens hun Press Release is na versie 1.03 de stekker eruit getrokken om juridisch sterker te staan, nou ja... lees het zelf maar; We originally pulled the app because of legal pressure. With DECAF v1 originally set out to restrict forensic extractions made by Microsoft COFEE, it raised major concerns with its ethical nature and potential hazard to the disruption of criminal investigations. By us disabling the application, it freed us from any damage that might have happened in the event DECAF v1 was used to block forensic examiners from extracting data. We used the words "publicity stunt" because when we pulled DECAF v1 offline and disabled the applications, we had a lot of media attention. We decided to use that channel to raise awareness for better security and more privacy tools. After the interview with Cyberspeak, we had a nice long phone conversation. During that time, they informed me of my hazardous ...

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