Abuse Melding

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12-01-2012, 07:48 door Dev_Null

Waar rook is, brandt (tracking and tracing) vuur. Dit onderstaande nieuws is publiekelijk bekend gemaakt 1. Forensics Experts Say iPhone Tracking Isn't All That Accurate POSTED BY: Richard Mislan / Wed, April 27, 2011 Last week the iPhone user community was abuzz after researchers presenting at the Where 2.0 conference announced their discovery that iPhones collect location data—and that this information can be used to create a track of the user’s roamings. While this may have been shocking to iPhone users—it was old news to the law enforcement community, who has been using the iPhone’s tracking file as part of standard operating procedure when analyzing the iPhone for evidence for several years. Read More about it at http://spectrum.ieee.org/tech-talk/telecom/security/forensics-experts-say-iphone-tracking-isnt-all-that-accurate 2. Got an iPhone or 3G iPad? Apple is recording your moves - A hidden file in iOS 4 is regularly recording the position of ...

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