Abuse Melding

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19-07-2012, 09:07 door Anoniem

1. Claiming to be an idea instead of an group/organization) How can someone be an idea? support an idea, join, don't support it anymore? leave, idea's can change, multiple ideas happen at the same time, join the ones you approve of. 2. Claiming to have no leader(ship)) Umm... Anonymous must have a leadership. Someone started the whole Anonymous-thing. Anons claim to have no leader? Strange, so Anonymous is a chaotic, corrupted hackergroup with no rules and boundaries? Then how are they able to work together like a fine oiled machine? There is someone pulling the ropes. there is no leader. you can be anonymous, I can be anonymous, everyone can be anonymous. That's the strenght. No one is a real leader, someone can lead by saying "hey let's do this" and then the rest are like, yeah let's do that or are like, nahh it's boring. if the "hey let's do this" is a good idea according to multiple "members" (you cannot be a real member of something that doesn't actually exist) the idea can be executed. so there is ...

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