Abuse Melding

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17-12-2014, 12:10 door Reppo1911

1. Flash scant poorten als je het gebruikt: 1935, 443 and 80 2. VPN kan veilig, hier de juiste setup: Setup a vm or real hardware working as a proxy to route all the traffic from eth0(internal network) to eth1(external network). eth1 routes then all traffic through tor. Now setup a 2nd vm which has only one port directly connected to eth0 on the proxy. ALL traffic is now routed through tor and immune to those attacks. 3. geen addons gebruiken: The Tor Browser is free software, so there is nothing preventing you from modifying it any way you like. However, we do not recommend installing any additional Firefox add-ons with the Tor Browser Bundle. Add-ons can break your anonymity in a number of ways, including browser fingerprinting and bypassing proxy settings.

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