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25-12-2019, 15:03 door Anoniem

Beste bladeraar-beveiligers en beste browser-aan-de-tand-voelers, In vele andere opzichten is Google Chrome of chromium onveiliger dan firefox of op firefox gebaseerde browsers, zoals bijvoorbeeld Cliqz Internet. Bijvoorbeeld in het geval van preloading: (denk aan sub-resource link veiligheid): Wat merkt jScheid hierover op bij een bug-evaluatie: ### Preloading `<link rel="preload">` doesn't work as expected in current Chrome versions, even if the integrity attribute is added to the `link tag (which the current version of webpack-subresource-integrity does _not_ do.) The resource will be loaded twice, defeating the purpose of preloading. This issue doesn't appear to exist in Firefox or Safari. See issue #111 for more information. This plugin adds the integrity attribute to `<link rel="preload">` tags, but preloading with SRI doesn't work as expected in current Chrome versions. The resource will be loaded twice, defeating the purpose of preloading. This problem doesn't appear to exist in Firefox or ...

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