Abuse Melding

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27-04-2020, 12:31 door Erik van Straten

Een poging om deze draad weer on topic te krijgen tussen de "bijdragen" van de super-ego's op deze site, uit https://www.blog.google/documents/63/Exposure_Notification_-_FAQ_v1.0.pdf (te vinden in https://www.blog.google/inside-google/company-announcements/apple-and-google-partner-covid-19-contact-tracing-technology/, vette+cursieve opmaak in de laatste regel toegevoegd door mij): 12. How does the system know when I have been exposed? The public health authority will define the way in which the app determines if someone has been exposed. To support this the system provides and the app can use both an estimate of time the user has been in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 and the approximate distance between the users. Public health authorities will set a minimum threshold for time spent together, such that a user needs to be within Bluetooth range for at least 5 minutes to register a match. If the contact is longer than 5 minutes, the system will report time in increments of 5 ...

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