
Gratis telefoon hoaxes

maandag 10 april 2000, 14:03 door Redactie, 0 reacties

Er gaan op dit moment twee kettingbrieven over het net,
waarin wordt beloofd dat degene die de betreffende email doorstuurt een gratis Ericsson of Nokia telefoon zal krijgen. Uiteraard is dit niet zo. Op de Ericsson
site is een bericht hierover te vinden dat al van november 1999 dateert. Een werknemer van Ericsson benadrukt nog eens de onzinnigheid van het bericht.

Beide emailtjes volgen hieronder:


Dear customer

Our main competitor, Nokia, is giving free mobile phones away on the Internet. Here at Ericsson we want to counter their offer.

So we are giving our newest WAP-phones away as well. They are specially developed for Internet happy customers who value cutting edge technology.

By giving free phones away, we get valuable customer feedback and a great Word-of-Mouth effect.

All you have to do, is to forward this message to 8 friends. After two weeks delivery time, you will receive a Ericsson T18. If you forward it to 20 friends, you will receive the brand new Ericsson R320 WAP-phone.

Just remember to send a copy to that is the only way we can see, that you forwarded the message.

Best of luck

Anna Swelund
Executive Promotion Manager for Ericsson Marketing


Subject: FW: WIN EEN NOKIA!!
Hello dear customer
I am forwarding this because
we from Nokia, are very happy to
see that the people on the internet
are visiting our page often.

To keep the customers who use the internet
happy, we have developed a new series of mobile telephones
called WAP ( wireless application protocol).

They are made for people who are on the road often and don't
have the internet with them, they can now get the
information on there telephones.

Unfortunately, not many people have heard about WAP, that's
wy we are spreading this e-mail around the net.

'What's in it for me?', you'll probebly think.
Well, everyone who forwards this message 10 times, will receivethe Nokia 3210.

everyone who forwards this message 25 times or more, will
receive the Nokia 7110, the first WAP telephone
Two weaks after you've forwarded this messageNokia will
contact you about your adress.

This message is only for Microsoft Windows® users, Nokia can
only see how much you've forwarded the messageif you use Windows 95 or newer.

Good Luck!!

James Dorfeld

Vice President of Nokia Communications

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