- Panda Software warns of the imminent appearance of viruses hiding in JPEG files - Virus Alerts, by Panda Software (http://www.pandasoftware.com)
MADRID, September 24, 2004 - Microsoft has recently reported a vulnerability called Exploit/MS04-028, affecting the process of viewing JPEG files. The problem affects many of the company's applications including Office XP, Office 2003 or Windows XP.
When a user opens a JPEG image that has been specially crafted to exploit the vulnerability, a buffer overflow occurs that could allow malicious action to be taken on the computer, including downloading and running of files. For this reason, it was just a matter of time before malicious code exploiting this flaw appeared.
PandaLabs has now detected the circulation of a kit, called Constructor/JPGDownloader, for creating JPEG images that exploit Exploit/MS04-028. This kit lets malicious users specify the web page from which all kinds of applications could be downloaded simply when the unsuspecting victim opens the malicious JPEG file.
According to Luis Corrons, head of PandaLabs: "There is no doubt that virus creators will take advantage of the new vulnerability and will try to launch all kinds of viruses that exploit it. In particular, given the nature of the problem, Trojans are a great threat, especially as they can go unnoticed by users but are frequently used by cyber-crooks for online fraud. The fact that the files in question are JPEGs is another important factor, as they are so frequently used in web pages or exchanged via email. The scene is changing from one where worms used to pass themselves off as images to one where the image is actually part of the worm".
To avoid viruses that use the Exploit/MS04-028 vulnerability, Panda Software offers the following advice:
- Don't open JPEG files from unreliable sources, no matter how you have received them (floppy, CD-ROM, email, instant messaging, chats, etc).
- Don't visit dubious web pages such as those dedicated to hacking or illegal downloads, etc.
In addition, if your system is protected by any Panda Software product, make sure this protection is up-to-date. The company has made the corresponding updates available to clients to detect and block the Exploit/MS04-028 vulnerability.
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