
EU site uit de lucht na inbraak

woensdag 13 juni 2001, 16:52 door Redactie, 0 reacties

Na een succesvolle inbraak en een bekladding van de website hebben de beheerders
van de EU site over internetveiligheid (draaiend onder Windows NT)
besloten de site voorlopig maar down te gooien om de beveiliging goed aan te pakken.
We ontvingen het volgende mailtje:

Dear subscriber

You may or may not be aware but recently there has been some publicity
regarding breaches in security at the Safer Internet Awareness Exchange.
We apologise but the site is no longer online until it is secure from

To explain, following the launch of the European Commission's cybercrime
treaty the site was targeted by hackers pointing to vulnerabilities. This
was immediately rectified. No breach of the site was made.

The subsequent exposure led to another attack while we were engaged in
talks with security experts to best protect the site. This more serious
attack resulted in hackers locating and moving the newsletter subscriber
database to the root of the site making it accessible for download. Only
e-mail addresses and some names were available. This attack occurred
overnight and was remedied by 09.30 CET.

As a result we have pulled the site and disabled all file transfer while
we can implement the suggestions made by the consultants.

We apologise for any inconvenience and hope to restore the site once it
is more secure.

For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Kind regards

The Safer Internet Team

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