
Aanslagen VS: Datahotels Manhattan bedreigd

woensdag 12 september 2001, 13:09 door Redactie, 0 reacties

Datahotels in Manhattan en daarmee belangrijke internetverbindingen worden bedreigd door de gevolgen van de aanslagen in de VS, meldt Alex Bligh van XO networks op de NANOG mailinglist.
"As we try and focus back on running networks, it has become evident that
much of downtown NY is currently without power, and many telco hotels are
running on backup generators. Some are not being started, or cannot start,
due to the ash in the air, and some may stop. At least three colo
facilities (WTC obviously, 7 WTC next door, Old slip) are down. 25 Broadway
(at least) is running on generator power. It is unknown at this stage how
much diesel existing facilities have. At least one C/O is gone, and Verizon
is having extensive problems in the downtown area. Most transatlantic circuits land in Manhatten, and most are routed through
down town area. Though we didn't see much circuit disruption yesterday
(apparently UUnet lost some transatlantic capacity - no doubt they can
provide more details), I expect more disruption as generators run dry.

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