
Europa tegen verplichte blokkade internetsites

vrijdag 12 april 2002, 22:54 door Redactie, 1 reacties

Het Europees Parlement is tegen een voor ISP's verplichte invoering van blokkades voor gewelddadige of kinderpornografische sites. (Webwereld)

Reacties (1)
13-04-2002, 13:46 door Anoniem
Het originele stuk van de European Union, waar het allemaal om gaat:

Self-regulation best for audiovisual industries
Christopher BEAZLEY (EPP-ED, Eastern)
Report on the evaluation report from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on the application of the Council Recommendation of 24 September 1998 concerning the protection of minors and human dignity
(COM(2001) 106 - C5-0191/2001 - 2001/2087(COS))
Doc.: A5-0037/2002
Procedure : Consultation paper
Debate : 11.04.2002
Vote: 11.04.2002


MEPs voted 460 to 0 with 3 abstentions in favour of a resolution setting out Parliament's views in response to the Commission's evaluation report on the application of the 1998 Council recommendation on the protection of minors and human dignity.

In its resolution Parliament emphasises that children's welfare is primarily the responsibility of their legal guardians, though this does not absolve suppliers and distributors of audiovisual content, nor drafters of legislation, from their responsibilities. In general, MEPs favour self-regulation by the industry and are concerned at recent moves to block access to certain websites. They argue that such drastic measures do not solve the problem of sites outside the EU nor that of sites which are legal for adults but could be harmful to children or young people.

An action plan to promote safer use of the internet was adopted in 1999 as a follow-up to the Council recommendation. With reference to this plan, Parliament calls on the Member States to set up hotlines to handle complaints about illegal or harmful internet content.

In addition, MEPs want reliable filter and rating systems for digital broadcasting, and the Commission is urged to promote the creation of user-friendly content filter systems at affordable prices so as to support parental control.

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