I'm one of them actually for the DDoS
To me, I don't want to inflict any damage to anybody. I'm just protesting like blocking the road / door of a shop, without touching it. And for these reasons:
First, the US government put Assange as a terrorist, your own CRS in a memo to Senate state this is unlawful. Second, without any verdict or even a decently filed complaint companies such as Mastercard, Visa, Postfinance freeze WikiLeaks accounts; according to western law this is unlawful as we need money to defend ourselves. This can only be done with reasonable terrorist suspicicion. Well, it may be that WikiLeaks is in a grey situation now for the law depends / levels ALL opinions, it is evident nevertheless that Assange was not the leak, therefore being a journalist. How these people can call em reasonable a terrorist, is a riddle to me.
Second, none of our governments conduct this liquidity freezing action while its clearly unlawful. They don't even condemn it!
Third, facts are that KKK as well as Rwandese warlords (and many much worse organisations /people than WikiLeaks) didn't experience much freezing problems with these corporations!
The internet is a relatively new thing. For many of its (inexperienced) users a DDoS blockade would be the only method of defense on the internet (without really harming and without NOT being heard). As technology are playing an ever bigger role in our lives, such laws against DDoS without considering context makes the people less and less able to defend themselves. For your information, if you didnt know it already, this denial of service technology IS not damaging the actual goods, or invading the actual mastercards buildings / materials. Let alone the money, almost any peoples protest costs money. Im not an enemy of mastercard, im a worried customer that doesnt want his liquidity unlawful frozen (for defense possibility).
Next to this all, the DDoS laws are very young laws. If we look at our trias politica system one could easily conclude that these laws still aren't adult / complete laws. Jurisprudence is still needed in order to achieve just that, as with almost any other law. Why do we publicly deny this evolvement? History has already proven many times that protests play a huge defining role in this jurisprudence. Much of our nowadays freedom comes directly from that.
The disobedience of the people is an indication to the extend of freedom. Dissalowance of ANY (not all) disobedience would be denieing your trias politica, thereby lawsystem, free society and even your roots
To me, specially the second argument is my main reason to go on the internetstreet and block the door of these corporations. As any self respecting protestor I distance myself from any credit card information publishing or more violent actions like that. For even governments, organizations and many people deliberately choose to neglect their own laws. So I'm fighting for at least approved processing of laws. I'm very open for discussion though, if you disagree with me please send me a mail at mobigee at xs4all dot nl. We could do an eventual discussion on in the open on your platform, if you like.
A very concerned Dutchman. Read more about how my young (ever incomplete, if one accepts humans are always learning) opinion is at www.whazdat.nl
Thank you for your time! And please, im doing all I can to protest without really harming. For these few hours I felt and still feel for above mentioned reasons as a lawful protestor, not a criminal harming the organisations. Remember, I'm the customer, actually ;-)
p.s. i was very tired at the moment i wrote this, excuse me for any grammar and reading signs failures. English is also not my native language.
Dit was mijn antwoord, IK KAN ME ER DUS (NOG) NIET IN VINDEN! caps vanwege dat de bottomline dan duidelijkwordt. Hopelijk gaat ie erop in, ik heb geprobeerd mezelf zo open mogelijk te presenteren en het makkelijk voor hem te maken hierop te reageren. Zullen wie zien wie de beste argumenten heeft. goeienacht allemaal, 7.50 uur ; ik moet gaan slapen.