@ Ron625,
Daar draait helemaal geen Microsoft server, Apache, maar er zijn wel issues:
HTTP to HTTPS redirect: Warning
Requested URL: http://mijn.kadaster.nl/ | Response URL: https://mijn.kadaster.nl/security/login.jsp | Page title: Mijn Kadaster - Inloggen | HTTP status code: 200 (OK) | Response size: 7,613 bytes | Duration: 1,389 ms
When a website redirects the user from an HTTP address to an HTTPS one, there is a risk that an attacker could launch a man in the middle attack by intercepting the original HTTP request and returning a malicious response.
The address you entered makes a request using the HTTP scheme but is then redirected by the server to an HTTPS address. Consider user education to ensure the HTTPS address is entered directly into the browser when requesting the site.
HTTP only cookies: Warning
Requested URL: https://mijn.kadaster.nl/security/login.jsp (POST 1,001 params) | Response URL: https://mijn.kadaster.nl/security/login.jsp | Page title: Mijn Kadaster - Inloggen | HTTP status code: 200 (OK) | Response size: 7,613 bytes | Duration: 273 ms
Cookies not flagged as "HttpOnly" may be read by client side script and are at risk of being interpreted by a cross site scripting (XSS) attack. Whilst there are times where a cookie set by the server may be legitimately read by client script, most times the "HttpOnly" flag is missing it is due to oversight rather than by design.
It looks like a cookie is being set without the "HttpOnly" flag being set (name : value):
JSESSIONID : 6F105A7B80B2FADA33D3D922A316B305
Unless the cookie legitimately needs to be read by JavaScript on the client, the "HttpOnly" flag should always be set to ensure it cannot be read by the client and used in an XSS attack.
Secure cookies: Warning
Requested URL: https://mijn.kadaster.nl/security/login.jsp (POST 1,001 params) | Response URL: https://mijn.kadaster.nl/security/login.jsp | Page title: Mijn Kadaster - Inloggen | HTTP status code: 200 (OK) | Response size: 7,613 bytes | Duration: 273 ms
Cookies served over HTTPS but not flagged as "secure" may be sent over an insecure connection by the browser. Often this may be a simple request for an asset such as a bitmap file but if it's on the same domain as the cookie is valid for then it will be sent in an insecure fashion. This poses a risk of interception via a man in the middle attack.
It looks like a cookie is being served over HTTPS without the "secure" flag being set (name : value):
JSESSIONID : 6F105A7B80B2FADA33D3D922A316B305
Unless the cookie needs to be sent over an insecure connection, the "secure" flag should always be set to ensure it can only be sent with an HTTPS request.
Scan gegevens.
Zie verder het diverse status overicht hier: https://observatory.mozilla.org/analyze.html?host=mijn.kadaster.nl
Onveilige tracking:
Website is insecure by default
100% of the trackers on this site could be protecting you from NSA snooping. Tell kadaster.nl to fix it.
Identifiers | All Trackers
Insecure Identifiers
Unique IDs about your web browsing habits have been insecurely sent to third parties.
c3606d1594ab426ef2476de0446a2c07 mijn.kadaster.nl jsessionid
Quotes uit algemeen toegankelijke third party scans. x-content-type-options
Header not returned for x-xss-protection; Header not returned for content-security-policy, Header not returned forcache-control, Geen "best practices". Helaas ontbreekt er nog veel om te komen tot een veilig(er) infrastructuur.
Dus wegwuiven en de vingers richten op externe bedreigingen, hackers en populisme. De schuld ligt immers nooit bij jezelf.
Ik moet de eerste politicus nog ontmoeten, die toegeeft het helemaal verkeerd ingeschat te hebben, maar feitelijk moeten ze dat bijna allemaal nu doen. Neen, al leg je ze op de pijnbank ontkennen en draaien ze nog. Infrastructuur is gatenkaas, geef het nu eindelijk eens toe. Veel beveiliging is compleet incompetent of niet goed opgeleid en soms nog corrupt ook.
Oh, als toegift uit het Crypto Certificaat rapportje: Warnings
Root installed on the server.
For best practices, remove the self-signed root from the server.