Door Anoniem: Met de dood bedreigd en gedreigd dat mn vrouw zou verkracht worden en vermoord toen ik zei dat het oplichters waren.
Hebben de eerste 3 dagen de telefoon moeten uittrekken omdat ze bleven bellen.
Provider kon hun niet blokkeren werd door provider verteld omdat ze een "ingenieus" systeem zouden gebruiken om slachtoffers te bellen.
Weet je zeker dat je niet perongeluk de echte steve(dot)ballmer(at)ceo(dot)microsoft(dot)com aan de telefoon hebt gekregen?
Steve Ballmer is nogal een heethooft, en uiteraard lijkt dit een grapje. Het is desalnietemin een serieus probleem. De echte Microsoft helpdesk zou je niet terug bellen op deze manier, tenzij je een bedrijf e.d. bent. En Steve Ballmer is met pensioen of wat ze dat ook noemen, en gebruikte dit soort taal.
Maar er valt bij jou niets te halen toch?
Waarom zouden ze investerern in tijd gelijk aan geld om dit te doen?
Over de echte Microsoft helpdesk, daar zijn leuke grapjes van.
Grapje: A helicopter pilot took off from London Heathrow with passengers, heading towards the Netherlands also known as Holland. Flying over the North Sea towards Holland, a sudden weather change happened. Desperately the pilot managed to reach a high skyscraper at the other side of the North Sea, but the bord GPS wasn't even functioning anymore due to thunderstorm interference. One of the passengers had sheets of papers and many black permanent markers. The pilot insisted to the passenger, write ' WHERE ARE WE? ' on the sheets and place them on the side windows of the helicopter. All the passengers worked together.
The people in the skyscraper with unknown location seemed to actually read what was now written on the side of the helicopter ' Where Are We? '.
Suddenly it got busy inside the skyscraper. At all windows, people gathered, and the pilot read the message ' YOU ARE IN A HELICOPTER '.
Relieve sounded from the pilot, it's OK, he turned left, right, a little ahead, and did a perfect controlled landing at Schiphol Airport from The Netherlands also known as Holland.
It became known to the press, how the pilot managed to save the passengers and the helicopter getting low on fuel, in a sudden weather change. The big question was:
' How did you [pilot] know where the airport was just by people telling you, that you were in a helicopter? '
The pilot replied,
The information the people in the skyscraper gave was factually correct, but totally useless. And it happens to know that I knew the Microsoft Windows Helpdesk in Holland is located at Schiphol Rijk, it therefore was very logical with useless but factually correct information, I must have reached the Microsoft Helpdesk of Europe, from there it was very simple.
Morale of story, even useless information although factually correct, like Microsoft Helpdesk employees telling in this stort ' You are in a Helicopter ' to a desperate pilot fighting for lives, by coincidence saved all lives, simply by the average uselessness Microsoft Helpdesk provides, but remember it was correct info, though absolutely useless.
Hope you enjoyed this myth that goes about Microsoft Windows Helpdesk and Helicopters since indeed truly the Microsoft Helpdesk in Holland is indeed located at Schiphol Rijk, near Airport Schiphol.
Not that hard to imagine. Have a nice day.