Certified Secure Challenges - Over challenges en dergelijke

IDB Challenge 83%

04-04-2023, 00:06 door abhi, 2 reacties
Can't figure out how to copy the files to the document root, I have found the hidden admin interface, logged in and select the picture, but can't publish because I don't have admin privileges. I looked at the README txt, and I'm stuck here still.
Reacties (2)
04-04-2023, 10:27 door Anoniem
spoiler alert!
Try IRC, Certified Secure has a channel on their IRC server that supports you in the challenges.
You do have to crack a key first! :)
12-04-2023, 14:28 door Anoniem
Maybe you can try to find a way to find other credentials within the admin panel?

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