Soms werkt een e-mail op je lachspieren. Vandaag kreeg ik een Nigeriaanse variant op de allang bekende scam, waarbij het nietsvermoedende slachtoffer (die erop ingaat) financieel wordt uitgeplunderd. Hieronder een zoveelste Nigerian-scam variant, maar nu zou er 20 miljoen US-dollar voor mij klaar liggen dankzij een of andere hoge piet op Mauritius...
From: Mr. Anderson Abass, Ministry of Urban & Rural development, Mauritius.
Attn: Soliciting For Your Partnership.
Dear Sir/Madam,
My name is Mr. Anderson Abass, the Chairman of contract award and monitoring committee of Ministry of Urban and Rural Development , my duty as empowered by the Mauritius Government is to provide the basic amenities, social recreational activities in rural and urban areas, This program includes assistance to deprived Local communities and to co-ordinate projects and development at the national level, Furthermore, from this projects we have been able to secure some reasonable amount of US$22.5M (Twenty Two Million Three Hundred Thousand United States Dollars Only) as commission from various Contractors resulting from over invoicing, hence all the necessary approvals has been completed.
This approved fund is now packaged and dispatched through a security company for onward delivery to its final destination. These fund are first deposited into a vault security before we arrange for its movement to Europe through diplomatic channel using decoy purporting that the fund belongs to an expatriate/company, as we are Government officials, we are not allowed to operate/own foreign bank account, Hence we need you to stand as the beneficiary and claim the fund on our behalf from the security company. Presently, I am now in Europe to search for a reliable person/company of high integrity /dignity and one with conscience who will claim this fund on our behalf as the beneficiary, and we have agreed to give you 20% of the total sum as commission for your assistance/effort. 5% will be used to settle every expense incurred. We will use 75% to invest under your recommendations and guide and to go into Joint venture business with you if you agree to that.
I would greatly appreciate your assistance. I look forward to your response as soon as possible.
Best regards,
Mr. Anderson Abass, Ministry of Urban & rural development, Mauritius.
N.B:Reply to my private e-mail address :
Zoals altijd: Nooit op reageren! Dit soort e-mails is pure oplichting!
<< from this projects we have been able to secure some reasonable amount of US$22.5M (Twenty Two Million Three Hundred Thousand United States Dollars Only >>
Klinkt aantrekkelijk, maar is het nu US$22.5 of US$22.3 ??
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