Het Internet Storm Centrum waarschuwt computergebruikers wereldwijd, dat de laatst ontdekte lekken in het Windows besturingsysteem via het internet worden uitgebuit, inclusief met een 0-day exploit voor Veritas. Wie nog niet de laatste patches heeft geïnstalleerd wordt dringend aangeraden om elk Windows-systeem te beveiligen. Hieronder staan ook de SNORT-handtekeningen afgedrukt.
Infocon Yellow; Windows and Backup Exec exploits are out, where are the exploits, NIST drafts, Snort signatures
Infocon: Yellow
Due to a number of very well working Windows exploits for this weeks patch set, and the zero-day Veritas exploit, we decided to turn the infocon to yellow.
Advice: Use the weekend to patch ALL WINDOWS SYSTEMS. It may be worthwhile to consider accelerated deployment of the patches even to critical systems if the weekend is slow anyway. Backup Exec should be firewalled or disabled at this point.
Note: Consider unprotected internet facing machines infected at this point if they do not have this weeks patches applied. Patch and handle them with extra care.
Windows and Backup Exec exploits are out
In case you're waiting to see whether it's worth updating either Windows or Veritas' Backup Exec, now's the time to do so. Live exploits are out for both.
Specifically, MS05-039 appears to have 3 live exploits out for it already, and Backup Exec has at least one exploit out.
We've said it already, but it's worth repeating - get those patches in soon...
Which exploits are really out?
We've gotten a number of questions from readers about the exploits we've mentioned over the past few days in the diary. Some of them are publicly known and easily Google-able. Others are ones that we've found out about from trusted sources that have asked us to not share the exploit itself.
Because our goal is to provide timely alerts to the security community, we generally don't provide the exploit code itself. If it truly is publicly visible, you'll find it in a few minutes without our help. And if the exploit is still generally private, we don't want to be the conduit that accelerates attacks - people with lots of hat colors read this diary. *smile*
Thanks for understanding.
NIST drafts
NIST has provided draft security security documents: Creating a Patch and Vulnerability Management Program, Secure DNS Deployment Guide, Guide to Malware Incident Prevention and Handling, Guide to Single- Organization IT Exercises, Guide to Computer and Network Data Analysis: Applying Forensic Techniques to Incident Response, and Codes for the Identification of Federal and Federally-Assisted Organizations.
Preliminary Snort signatures for MS exploits
One reader was kind enough to forward some Snort signatures for malware hitting the recently announced vulnerabilities. Credit for these signatures goes to Blake Harstein at Demarc.
To not have the lines go on too long, the pcre's have been split over multiple lines; everything from pcre: to /i"; needs to be reassembled into one object with no spaces.
#These rules are separated for compatibility with Snort 2.3.3 (>850 #characters per line), If you are using Snort >2.4.0 you can safely #combine these into a single rule
yo peter, ik heb op virusalert weleens gelezen over e.d codered. dit scheen vrij gevaarlijk te zijn, en er waren meer varianten,son of codered codeblue enz is code geel een tweede zoon van codered ? of is het zelfs geen virus?
GREETZ chrizzz
14-08-2005, 23:21 door Anoniem
yo peter, ik heb op virusalert weleens gelezen over e.d codered. dit scheen vrij gevaarlijk te zijn, en er waren meer varianten,son of codered codeblue enz is code geel een tweede zoon van codered ? of is het zelfs geen virus?
GREETZ chrizzz
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