Geen enkele security-oplossing is 100% (dan kom je er zelf niet meer in/uit).
Derhalve naast combinaties van essentiele c.q. integrale methoden (AAA) producten/oplossingen toepassen van min. 2-3 verschillende fabrikaten/concepten, layering, segmentering, levels, liefst single sign on-concept.
Zo maar een selectie van factoren waarmee je allemaal rekening zou moeten houden om security op een hoog peil te kijgen en/of te houden maar wat in de praktijk zeker niet (altijd) haalbaar is....Doe er je voordeel mee.
- Bewustzijn gebruikers/Awareness: SANS “SANS Top 20” (
- Center for Internet Security (
- RADAR mbt algemene veiligheid Internet op dat moment 'weers gesteldheid'
zie mbt Zorgplicht providers
- Planet Internet ; zie 10 Geboden of lokaal
- Backup van data en/of programma's (serials, cracks, instellingen); separate locatie
- Image back-up programma's /data middels Ghost of DriveImage op DVD of op aparte USB-drive
- Boot-omgevingen: floppy, CD (Knoppix), DVD, USB-stick (U3)
PRIVACY: Denk ook aan Office 2003/XP Add-in: Remove Hidden Data
- Gebruiker met enige kennis en goed gedragspatroon
ad a: commando's, instellingen, handelingen
ad b: crack-sites, serials..
volgen van security alerts/waarschuwingen/adviezen
- normal user zonder ADMIN rights
- Referentiekader (baselining) bepalen tbv performance PC hard-/software, Internetcommunicatie, diskcapaciteit, RAM
- Advies banken Internet bankieren: 3 x kloppen is veilig ; groene balk in URL (2009)
- Alerts van waarschuwende instanties/bedrijven:
. ...
- Cable / ...... Wifi draadloos (WPA 2)
- Virtual-systeem (VMWare, Virtual PC, Open Virtual)
-altijd actuele updates bijhouden ahv Waarschuwingsdiensten! zie ook Secunia hieronder
- Operating System bijv. Windows XP/SP3; Vista SP2 + patches (elke maand) en gebruikte software: Always keep your patch levels up-to-date, especially on computers that host public services and are accessible through the firewall, such as HTTP, FTP, mail, and DNS services.
- Hardening PC-configuratie (zie advies CIS, SANS, NSA...); Check met Microsoft Baseline Security Analyser (MBSA);
optimaliseren PC-instellingen
Operating System: niet gebruikte services uitzetten
Firewall (updates, configuratie). Use a firewall to block all incoming connections from the Internet to services that should
not be publicly available. By default, you should deny all incoming connections and only allow services you explicitly
want to offer to the outside world.
- Hardware Modem-router provider e.g. Fritz!Box / firewall
- Zone Alarm / Outpost firewall (beiden gratis) voor uitgaand verke er met name; niet in MS Defender; McAfee
en evt. Zone Alarm log analyzer (elk kwartaal)Virusscanner (resident en offline) (alle files of alleen .exe. com, .dll etc.)
AGV, AVAST+ (elke dag)
VIRUSSCANNER (goede kwaliteit, up-to-date)
- AVG (gratis).McAFee (commercieel), Microsoft Security Essentials (gratis bij licentie) en vele anderen voorheen MS
Defender Malware / Anti Spywware scanner (Microsoft Defender Beta, Hitman Pro 2) (elke week)
- AdAware,Search&Destroy (*)
- Actuele (updated) software : check met Secunia (online of offline)
a) Internet Explorer 8.0
b) Juiste beveiligingsinstellingen browser: HIGH; "anti-script/add plugins draaien in je browser", Secure browsen
- Alleen veilige sites door browser/ McAfee Advisor aangegeven. Eventueel check van de site bij Melani
URL: 1) https b) Slotje midden onder op scherm c) certificaat van betreffende bank in slotje: zie 3x kloppen d) Groene Balk URL
- scheiding van prive (geld, vetrouwelijk) en hobby (test, gratis, openbaar): Aparte PC of VMWare (Workstation of Player, Virtual PC, Virtual Box), Sandbox, Boot PC of ImmunOS (speciale RAM Linux PC onder VMWare) ; InPrivate Browsing (IE8)
- Super-safe Web browsing check browse
- Rechten: Geen Admin-account voor gewone werk gebruiken; Ensure that programs and users of the computer use the lowest level of privileges necessary to complete a task. When prompted for a root or UAC password , ensure that the program asking for administration-level access is a legitimate application
- Rootkitscanner detectoren Blacklight (een beta-versie) en Rootkit Revealer of SOPHOS anti rootkit
- Passwords: a) Password policy8 chars, alfa num+, maand update b) elke (online) account ander password ; niet overal dezelfde passwords online; password manager KeySafe ...Enforce a password policy . Complex passwords make it difficult to crack password files on compromised computers. This helps to prevent or limit damage when a computer is compromised Goede passwords ! op de te beveiligen programma's, accounts etc. (at least seven characters, includes upper and lower case letters, numerals, symbols; has at least one symbol character in the second through sixth position; has at least four different characters in your password (no repeats); Looks like a sequence of random letters and numbers) (jaarlijks). Verschillende passwordniveaus op Internet: a) bank/credit/pay b) vertrouwelijke info/prive c) openbare. Denk aan ID-Theft. Encryptie van vertrouwelijke gegevens (PGP, Cryptainer e.a.) > 128 bits key, https, SSL, SSH
- Herstelpunt Windows ( voorbeeld) ; noodgevallen via ERD Commander (XP, Vista)
- Spamcontrol (*) Check of op Blacklist a) Spamhouse Ironport-appliance
- Goede Tools Registry cleaner , Defragmenteren (jaarlijks), SysInternals (autoruns, proces Explorer, ProcesMonitor...)
- Legale Applicaties: MS Office/Open Office, Quicktime, Database, Webserver, Webbrowser = alle patches, updates en upgrades zoveel mogelijk volgen, tenzij (zodra gemeld)
- Intrusion Detection Systeem (Host en/of netwerk) bijv. SNORT, ICE
- IP-/ Port blocker (opt.). XS4ALL en er zijn ook (freeware) paketten
- Process analyzers ( Spyware); zie ook tools onderin
- Honeypot als deze een waarschuwing geeft dan is er een hacker actief
- Goede instellingen/configuratie van hardware, firmwaren, OS, Applicaties, browser, utilities..
- Hostfile clean of open DNS ; Proxies / Hostfile c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts ; bijv.
- Authenticiteitscontrole middels SecuriID, client/server certificaat, PGP key
- Sandbox (Virtueelsysteem) of middels Sandboxie (kan ook Explorer veilig in draaien; wel geen virusdetectie van erbuiten) of ImmunOS; Virtual PC of LINUX BOOT CD
- Integriteitscontrole op essentiele files mbv Hashing ('Tripwire') ; Hashcalc voor verificatie
- Applicatie versie controle met PSI Personal Software Inspector Secunia PC (examining files on your computer (primarily .exe, .dll, and .ocx files). )
URL checker
- McAFEE advisor, AVG of Internet Explorer 8.0 online
- Internet Watch Foundation
- Melani
- Disable AutoPlay to prevent the automatic launching of executable files on network and removable drives, and disconnect the drives when not required. If write access is not required, enable read-only mode if the option is available
- Turn off file sharing if not needed. If file sharing is required, use ACLs and password protection to limit access. Disable anonymous access to shared folders. Grant access only to user accounts with strong passwords to folders that must be shared.
- Turn off and remove unnecessary services. By default, many operating systems install auxiliary services that are not critical. These services are avenues of attack. If they are removed, threats have less avenues of attack.
- If a threat exploits one or more network services, disable, or block access to, those services until a patch is applied.
- Configure your email server to block or remove email that contains file attachments that are commonly used to spread threats, such as .vbs, .bat, .exe, .pif and .scr files.
- Isolate compromised computers quickly to prevent threats from spreading further. Perform a forensic analysis and restore the computers using trusted media.
- Train employees not to open attachments unless they are exp ecting them.
- Also, do not execute software that is downloaded from the Internet unless it has been scanned for viruses. Simply visiting a compromised Web site can cause infection if certain browser vulnerabilities are not patched. Scansites :....
- If Bluetooth is not required for mobile devices, it should be turned off . If you require its use, ensure that the device's visibility is set to "Hidden" so that it cannot be scanned by other Bluetooth devices.
- If device pairing must be used, ensure that all devices are set to "Unauthorized", requiring authorization for each connection request. Do not accept applications that are unsigned or sent from unknown sources.
(*) via Provider: antivirus voor mail, Spamcontrol
- Loganalyzers ( processen , Zone alarm: Zonelog , virusscanner, spyware scanner...); Log Parser
Processen monitoring (.de), Winini-, MSCONFIG-instellingen
- Hacker Eliminator
- Re Animator
- Network analyzers: Colasoft,Sniffer (Wireshark/Ethereal ), Ethercap (met ARP spoofing),
Currentport mon
- Spam filter
- Eventviewer Windows (logboeken bekijken)
- Monitoring: Regmon, Filemon, Proc(ess)mon, Portmon etc.
- Auditing :
- Audit PC,
- Secunia updates en patches checking on-/offline
- Controles (periodiek)
- Security controle/status Windows XP en Office: Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA) af en toe draaien
- Firewall 'leak' testen vanaf Internet: Leaktest (GRC)
Periodiek, bijv. 1x per maand
- Check of PC vanaf Internet goed beveiligd is SHIELDS UP
- Nessus scan
- Offline virus scan; AVG. AVAST!, McAfee.. Snel: STINGER (McAfee)
- Online viruscan van ander merk diverse fabrikanten: Housecall Trendmicro bijv.
- Offline spyware scan: Hitman Pro 2 (verzameling van ca. 10 oplossingen), Microsoft Defender
- Online viruscan van ander merk diverse fabrikanten (2nd opinion)
- Rootkit detectors
- Performance preventie
- Opruimen applicaties, -data, oude herstelpunten, logfiles, reports My documents, Java cache
- Regclean
- Defrag/Diskeeper
- Opruimen oude files/programma's
- Back-up naar externe media
- Performance testen
- Internet
- Utilties performance: systeem, disk, netwerk, printer
- Pingtester
- Allerlei test-utilities (Sysinternals)Life vanaf Internet
Processen scannen..
de rest op:
- Checklist security Windows XP
- Securing Windows XP
- Windows XP Security checklist
- Secure your computer (Tomcat)
- Protecting yoyr privacy & security
- Securitywizardry
Als je deze allen regelmatig updatet (zie Secunia) dan is de kans op besmetting gering