Computerbeveiliging - Hoe je bad guys buiten de deur houdt

Foxit Reader 4.2.0

29-09-2010, 15:50 door Erwtensoep, 1 reacties
Er is een nieuwe versie van Foxit Reader uitgekomen die de veiligheid verbeterd. Geen vulnerabilty fixes in deze versie maar wel digitale handtekening ondersteuning en DEP/ASLR:

New features:

* Verify the digital signature
Foxit Reader 4.2 now features a PDF digital signature verification technology which uses an enhanced, yet ISO 32000 compliant, verification process that ensures the signature is real and neither the document nor the signature have been compromised. This new verification process provides a secure and reliable platform for exchanging electronics documents without putting the user at risk from falsified documents.
* Enhance security with ASLR & DEP support
Foxit Reader 4.2 continues to add features that increase security by making it harder for hackers to compromise a PDF document. The current version of the reader includes Address Space Layout Randomization, ASLR, which uses a random algorithm to determine a memory address used to store key file data. A second security feature is Data Execution Prevention, DEP, which simply prevents executing code from a non-executable memory location. ASLR and DEP combine to highly improve Foxit Reader Security and provide a stable platform for enterprise, business and consumer, Foxit Reader users.
Reacties (1)
29-09-2010, 16:25 door Rubbertje
Bedankt voor de tip! Ik ga 'm gelijk binnenhalen.

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