A massive new rumor has surfaced on the web which claims that the upcoming Windows 8 operating system from Microsoft could enable computers to run games made for the Xbox 360 console.
Microsoft is raking in the cash from its Xbox division, what with the extremely popular Kinect and the array of new titles coming to its home console. It has even announced that the Games For Windows Live marketplace is soon to be merged with the Xbox.com portal, in order to create a one-stop destination for all of the entertainment needs of its customers.
Now, it seems that Microsoft might take this merger and develop it even more, as its next Windows 8 operating system might allow PCs that will run it the possibility of playing games made for the Xbox 360.
Bear in mind that this, for now at least, is a massive rumor, picked up by website Teknylate from an inside source, which says that owners of Windows 8-powered PCs can just pop into their DVD drive a Xbox 360 game disc, provided it has a special mention that it is "Windows 8 Compatible" and play it, without the need for an actual Xbox 360 console.
PC owners could also be able to access the Xbox 360 dashboard, complete with all the Xbox Live services, basically emulating the console experience on the Windows 8-powered PC.
This feature won't come cheap, as the rumor also suggests that users are going to have to pay a certain amount of money for it, perhaps bundled with the Xbox Live Gold subscription, but things aren't clear at this point.
While we're still advising readers to take the rumor with a big grain of salt, it might not be such a far-fetched thought, as Microsoft is going to soon change up the format of the Xbox 360 game disc, while the merger of the Games For Windows service with Xbox.com can be the first step towards such a goal.
Also, seeing as how the Xbox 360 is being overtaken in terms of performance by regular computers these days, emulating its hardware shouldn't be an issue for most PCs that can support Windows 8.
As you can imagine, Microsoft hasn't commented on the issue, so it's still better to buy an Xbox 360 console if you want to play games made for it.
Ik had ook zo iets gelezen. Windows 7 zou in ingebouwde Xbox functionaliteit hebben/krijgen. Ik weet niet wat daarvan waar is, ik zie sowieso de toegevoegde waarde niet echt. Maar dat zag ik ook niet van Twitter... en zie hoe populair het is.
Deze posting is gelocked. Reageren is niet meer mogelijk.
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