
Afrikaanse bedelmail heeft aandacht politie

dinsdag 3 september 2002, 12:17 door Redactie, 5 reacties

"Nigeriaanse oplichters benaderen mogelijke slachtoffers al geruime tijd niet alleen met bedelbrieven in de postbus maar
ook via e-mail. Begin mei werd hier op deze plaats al melding van gemaakt.
Inmiddels hebben de e-mailtjes ook de belangstelling van de politie.
", zo meldt de Telegraaf. Aardig in dit verband is de site Scamorama, waar briefwisselingen met Nigeriaanse
oplichters worden gepubliceerd. Een tweetal mensen wist de oplichters zelf een aantal dollars
lichter te maken, in plaats van omgekeerd. Uit de brieven blijkt dat de oplichters
handlangers in Amsterdam hebben. Er zijn meldingen bekend van uit de Amsterdams Easy Everyting
verstuurde oplichters-emails.

Reacties (5)
03-09-2002, 13:40 door Anoniem
Dear Sir,

I am Mr. Peter Brown, the secretary of Commercial Farmers Union branch in the region of Matabeleland, Zimbabwe. After the general elections in my country where the incumbent president Mr. Robert Mugabe won the presidential election, the government has adopted a very aggressive land reform programme.

This progarmme is solely aimed at taking the land owned by white African farmers for redistribution to black Africans. The programme has attracted worldwide condemnation from world leaders including the British Prime Minister Mr. Tony Blair and also forced several white farmers to flee the country for fear of victimization and physical abuse.

Two weeks ago, our headquarters in Harare was attacked and looted by black protesters and in the process burnt down the whole building. Fortunately, they did not get access to the huge funds kept in the strong room that belong to the co-operation. This cash was kept at the secretariat rather that in the bank for the fear of seizure by the government.

Now I have the funds in my possession and would need to get it invested in a viable business venture in Europe or Asia.

Once I can get your commitment and sincerity of investing this funds on our behalf then I would proceed to get the funds freighted to Europe where you would be required to pick it up for investment for us.

You do not have anything to worry about, as I would undertake all charges involved in freighting the funds to Europe.

Please note that this is legal as I have the mandate from Mr. Max Crawford, the President of the union to get the funds out as fast as possible. You will be compensated for all your effort once we have gotten the funds to Europe.

Please get back to me if you will be of assistance and I would want our correspondence to be via email as the Government bugs most Telephone lines of the white farmers.

I expect your confidentiality and prompt response to this email so as to proceed.

You should also reach me on this alternative email address [email][/email]

Kind Regards,

Mr. Peter Brown.
03-09-2002, 19:22 door Anoniem
Originally posted by eddee
Dear Sir,

I am Mr. Peter Brown, the secretary of Commercial Farmers Union branch in the region of Matabeleland, Zimbabwe. After the general elections in my country where the incumbent president Mr. Robert Mugabe won the presidential election, the government has adopted a very aggressive land reform programme.

This progarmme is solely aimed at taking the land owned by white African farmers for redistribution to black Africans. The programme has attracted worldwide condemnation from world leaders including the British Prime Minister Mr. Tony Blair and also forced several white farmers to flee the country for fear of victimization and physical abuse.

Two weeks ago, our headquarters in Harare was attacked and looted by black protesters and in the process burnt down the whole building. Fortunately, they did not get access to the huge funds kept in the strong room that belong to the co-operation. This cash was kept at the secretariat rather that in the bank for the fear of seizure by the government.

Now I have the funds in my possession and would need to get it invested in a viable business venture in Europe or Asia.

Once I can get your commitment and sincerity of investing this funds on our behalf then I would proceed to get the funds freighted to Europe where you would be required to pick it up for investment for us.

You do not have anything to worry about, as I would undertake all charges involved in freighting the funds to Europe.

Please note that this is legal as I have the mandate from Mr. Max Crawford, the President of the union to get the funds out as fast as possible. You will be compensated for all your effort once we have gotten the funds to Europe.

Please get back to me if you will be of assistance and I would want our correspondence to be via email as the Government bugs most Telephone lines of the white farmers.

I expect your confidentiality and prompt response to this email so as to proceed.

You should also reach me on this alternative email address [email][/email]

Kind Regards,

Mr. Peter Brown.

04-09-2002, 02:44 door mavetju
Interesting weblog about somebody who tricked them:
04-09-2002, 17:46 door Anoniem
Zowel eddee als Unregistered lijken niet te snappen dat het gaat om een parodie.

Ik vond het zelf nogal een goeie bak...
04-09-2002, 21:24 door Anoniem
Originally posted by Unregistered
Zowel eddee als Unregistered lijken niet te snappen dat het gaat om een parodie.

Ik vond het zelf nogal een goeie bak...

Mag ik dan van je mailinglijst?

Deze posting is gelocked. Reageren is niet meer mogelijk.