
Apple komt met security update voor Mac OS X

dinsdag 27 januari 2004, 09:45 door Redactie, 0 reacties

Apple heeft een nieuwe security update voor Mac OS X 10.1.5 "Puma", Mac OS X Server 10.1.5, Mac OS X 10.2.8 "Jaguar", Mac OS X Server 10.2.8, Mac OS X 10.3.2 "Panther" en Mac OS X Server 10.3.2 beschikbaar gesteld. De update bevat de volgende security verbeteringen of aanpassingen:

  • AFP Server: Improves AFP over the 2003-12-19 security update.
  • Apache 1.3: Fixes CAN-2003-0542, a buffer overflow in the mod_alias
    and mod_rewrite modules of the Apache webserver.
  • Apache 2: Fixes CAN-2003-0542 and CAN-2003-0789 by updating Apache
    2.0.47 to 2.0.48. Installed only on Server systems.
  • Classic: Fixes CAN-2004-0089 to improve the handling of environment
    variables. Credit to Dave G. of @stake for reporting this issue.
  • Mail: Fixes CAN-2004-0085 and CAN-2004-0086 to deliver security
    enhancements to Apple's mail application. Credit to Jim Roepcke
    for reporting CAN-2004-0086.
  • Safari: Fixes CAN-2004-0092 by delivering security enhancements to
    the Safari web browser.
  • System Configuration: Fixes CAN-2004-0087 and CAN-2004-0088 where the
    SystemConfiguration subsystem allowed remote non-admin users to change network setting and make configuration changes to configd. Credit to Dave G. from @stake for reporting these issues.
  • Windows File Sharing: Fixes CAN-2004-0090 where Windows file sharing
    did not shutdown properly.

Security Update 2004-01-26 kan via de Software Update functie of via de website van Apple worden gedownload.

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